Reporting for Recruitment Agencies

Empower your recruitment agency with data-driven insights: introducing comprehensive reporting with Recruiting CRM.


Explore key benefits of Recruitment Reporting

Enhanced Visibility
Elevate the productivity and transparency of your recruitment agency with our Reporting Feature. With tiered visibility access, agency admins have an overview of everyone's performance, team leaders can monitor their recruiters' productivity, and individual recruiters can focus on their personal metrics. Gain insights, make adjustments, and watch your agency thrive.

Real-time Performance Metrics
Stay updated with real-time tracking of key performance indicators. From opportunities created and proposed, interviews scheduled, and offers made, to contracts signed and talent placed, keep a finger on the pulse of your agency's performance at all times.

Customizable Reports
Tailor your reports to suit your needs. Whether you need a comprehensive overview for the month, a summary of the week's progress, or an end-of-day report, our feature provides you with the flexibility to customize your reports for daily, weekly, and monthly periods.

recruitment reporting for agencies

Like what you see? Explore our recruitment management system in detail.

Get the complete feature list

Understand how recruitment crm Reporting Works

Select the reporting period
Choose from daily, weekly, or monthly reporting options.

Choose the performance indicators
Decide which metrics you want to focus on - opportunities created, interviews scheduled, offers made, etc.

Generate the report
With a simple click, auto-generate an insightful report based on your specified parameters.

Analyze and take action
Use the valuable insights to make informed decisions that improve your recruitment process.

recruitment crm reporting

Check recruitment agency Reporting Use Cases

Agency Admin
Monitor the overall agency performance and identify high-performers and areas for improvement.

Team Leader
Keep track of team performance, find bottlenecks, and recognize star recruiters.

Stay on top of personal performance metrics and continually improve results.

Select account supervisors
John Doe
Marry Gold
Marina Larson
Set supervisors
Edit permissions
Ruben King
Permission level
Manage own resources
Save edits

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To manage your clients and candidates faster

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